The latest concept from the Association of Maternal and Fetal Medicine (SMFM) in 2017 on ultrasound soft markers of aneuploid disorders

The latest concept from the Association of Maternal and Fetal Medicine (SMFM) in 2017 on ultrasound soft markers of aneuploid disorders

Here's how to track a soft ultrasound scanner following a negative NIPT test:

1- Soft markers that should not be reported at all:

- Echogenic Iintracardiac Focus

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2. Soft markers that require routine clinical trials but are no longer considered a soft marker for anoploid disorders:

- Pilate

- Single umbilical artery

- Ventriculomegaly

- Echogenic mass in the Echogenic Bowel focus

- Increase NF

- Hypoplastic Nasal Bone

Shortened humerus or femur

for example:

Here's how to track a pilecting report after having a negative NIPT answer:

First, the definition of pilectasis:

- Mild pilectasis: The diameter of the pelvis is equal and more than 4 mm and less than 7 mm.

- Medium pilectasis: The diameter of the pelvis is equal to more than 7 mm and less than 10 mm.

- Hydronephrosis: The diameter of the pelvis should be more than 10 mm.

Mild pilectasis is a common finding on ultrasound that affects less than 1 to 2% of fetuses with isolated pilectasis with Down syndrome.

If the presence of pilectasis has nothing to do with anoploid disorders (which has been ruled out with a negative NIPT response),

It is considered a benign finding with no specific clinical complications (more than 60% of cases resolve during pregnancy) or eventually leads to obstruction and hydronephrosis formation.

These patients should be monitored at least twice during pregnancy as well as after delivery for progression and development of hydronephrosis.

RelatedNews The latest concept from the Association of Maternal and Fetal Medicine (SMFM) in 2017 on ultrasound soft markers of aneuploid disorders

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