Genetic magazine

Tips for triploidy
People 69, XXX, 69, XXY and 69, XYY abort spontaneously and a limited number are born. These babies
A Brief Overview of Sexual Chromosome Disorders
Adults have long stature, gynecomastia (breast enlargement), leg ulcers, osteoporosis, and breast ca
Lessons from Microdeletion syndromes
The first clue to the location of the gene was that 5% of children with retinoblastoma had other abn
Overview of common chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome, Edward sy...
There is a strong link between Down syndrome and increasing maternal age. Clinical signs of hypotoni
Tips on basic concepts in chromosomal abnormalities
Hereditary units that are passed from parents to offspring and passed on to the next generation are
An overview of "Fragile X syndrome"
Fragile X syndrome, or Martin Bell syndrome, is a genetic condition that is more commonly thought of
Tips for carrier screening testing for latent genetic diseases
Carrier Screening is a term used to describe a genetic test. Which is performed on asymptomatic indi
A review of the diagnostic test for amniocentesis during pregnancy
Amniocentesis is a prenatal diagnostic procedure in which a small amount of amniotic fluid is extrac
A review of the applications of genetic counseling in medicine
Genetic counseling is a branch of medical genetics that examines the likelihood of genetic diseases
Paternity Test
More than two decades ago, scientists were able to use special genetic methods to obtain specific ge
Investigating the Genetic Causes of Mental Retardation in Children
The birth of children with mental retardation is a heavy burden on the family and society; In additi
Genetic Causes of Infertility in Men
More than 10-15% of Iranian couples suffer from infertility, and in about half of the cases, inferti
Important points of diagnostic tests during pregnancy
In this article, we briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of widely used diagnostic tests